Securesearch has directly trained more than 10,000 people. Our Inert Products, Inert IEDs and Hazardous Items Training materials have been used by instructors worldwide to train tens of thousands of personnel.

With our technical resources, including bomb technicians, senior scientific, electronic and engineering support, we are a respected provider of information for government agencies who regularly consult with us.

The founder and President of Securesearch, Inc. has been an instructor, trainer and consultant in the explosives, x-ray imaging, IED and firearms fields since 1969. He is a regular contributor of technical articles to professional journals for law enforcement, forensic investigation, bomb technicians, the military and security.

He has authored and published several books and technical reference manuals on x-ray imaging of IEDs and prohibited items, IED components and explosives, and Vehicle-Borne IEDs. He has lectured in the USA, Canada and abroad.

Securesearch owns and maintains a large technical reference library on explosives, military ordnance dating from the 1860s to the present, IEDs, firearms and ammunition. It includes many military manuals, journal articles, books in different languages and from various eras, as well as numerous technical photos. We use our library as an authoritative source, both for our own product development and also for dependable accuracy in providing information taught during our training courses.

It is this knowledge that has allowed our company to manufacture inert products, inert IEDs, hazardous items training materials and a wide variety of security related items that are realistic in every detail. With attention paid to quality we are pleased to have assisted government and security agencies around the world both in a consulting capacity as well as training. Over the past 40 years we are the source to contact to assist in security needs and training. Call us today at 1-800-452-3130 to find out how our expertise can assist your security training requirements.

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